When you think of McDonald’s, Apple, Coca-Cola, or Starbucks, what is the first thing that comes to mind? If you think like most of the population, it’s probably their logo. The golden arches, script “Coca-Cola”, and more are images forever ingrained in your mind- this company has left an impression on you. Shouldn’t you be trying to do the same? Below are just 10 reasons you may need to change your logo.
No .eps File
Not having a vector version of a logo means there are very few ways you can actually use it. If there’s always a white or black square around your logo, you’ve got a problem. The logo with a transparent background is ideal for print, design, and much more!
Created in Word or Paint
If your logo is old enough or designed by someone not experienced in graphic design, it needs a change now. To some of us, this idea may seem unrealistic, but it’s more common than you would think.
You Only Have One Version of Your Logo
With all of the different print and web possibilities in 2018, it’s important to have options. An icon, a full-text header, and a normal everyday use logo- all in several different formats can be useful to your business.
People are Confused by Your Logo
If people can’t tell even the basics about your business from your logo, it needs to change. Let your new logo represent what your business is and what you do.
You Still Have Your Original Logo
How long has your business been around? Do you still have the same, original logo? Take a page out of these brands book’s and change your long-standing logo today.
Your Logo Uses Common fonts
If your font uses Comic Sans, Papyrus, or Times New Roman, you need to choose a font that better represents your business and logo.
There’s a Background or Images in Your Logo
Are there sparkles around your logo or lines all around it? It may look crafty, but it doesn’t look professional.
Your Brand is Growing
If you’re growing and expanding, that probably means your services or products have changed since your last logo redesign, so make sure everything still matches.
You’re Struggling to Stand Out
Are you in a busy industry that’ constantly growing and changing? Is one of your competitors experiencing the growth you want? Maybe it’s time to evaluate your brand experience versus theirs.
You Want to Improve Your Reputation
We already established that a logo can be the first thing you think when you hear a brand name, so if your customers may have had a negative experience with your brand, it’s important to create a new logo.
Still unsure about investing in a new logo? We’ve been there too. Look at this difference between COSO Media’s old logo and our new one!
Just changing the colors and switching to a flat logo with no highlights gave our brand a complete face-lift. Let us help you re-create your logo today!