A good majority of companies are now using email for marketing purposes over more traditional methods. It’s a no-brainer really since it is relatively inexpensive, people check their email constantly, and you can get information to them faster. In order to receive the results you are looking for, keep in mind a few do’s and don’ts.
DO be relevant to your audience.
You have to learn your audience, and know them well. You need to make sure they see value in what you are sending them, or they will unsubscribe from your list.
DO build your email list.
Make sure there are forms for website visitors to fill out in order to get on your email list. Maintaining your numbers is good, but expanding them is even better. Always be thinking of new ways to add people to your emailing list.
DO use an email service provider or software program.
This is important and comes in handy when you want to track your emails. After your campaign is sent out, you can look at important analytics that will help guide you.
DO include a call to action in every email.
Even if it is just a newsletter, calls to action are very important in tracking to see who is interested and who isn’t. You will also be able to track their interests based on which links they click on.
DON’T break your implied promise.
When people first become a part of your mailing list, you should inform them roughly how often they will hear from you. Be up front about what type of emails they will receive from you and don’t change that!
DON’T forget to adhere to spam laws.
Spam is one of the biggest road blocks facing email marketers today. Spam blockers can block your emails if they feel if it is spam, which could prevent your legitimate email from being received. Be sure you know these laws, or things they look for so you aren’t stuck in this boat.
DON’T forget the Big Three components.
From line, subject line, and top of the email are the biggest things to keep in mind. These are the first things that people see when deciding if they will open your email or not. Make sure you are giving them a reason to open without sounding too pushy or salesman-like.
DON’T be sloppy.
You may be used to sending a quick email in your office, but it is completely different when you are sending it to your mailing list. It is a communication and marketing tool to develop relationships with current customers and prospective customers. Keep everything professional, simple, clear and error free.