Your calendar shouldn’t be the only thing changing in your office this year. There are several changes that should take place in your content strategy. The first one should be with your online marketing efforts. The Internet is constantly changing, however with the coming of 2013, there have been some drastic changes.
If you are staying consistent with your marketing plan, chances are you are moving backward and not forward. You can’t rest on your old Internet habits when your competition is improving theirs. You need to constantly be thinking of ways to improve, which should come from your analytics and research. You don’t know what you are doing right or wrong unless you look at the results and feedback.
More importantly, what you did last year won’t work! Online marketing is constantly changing because more people are accessing via mobile devices, and sharing information through social media sites. Social media sites that exist today weren’t around this time last year, and your marketing efforts should reflect that. It isn’t enough to evolve with the Internet changes, you have to anticipate change to stay ahead of the curve otherwise you will be playing catch up.
Believe it or not, change is good! You can’t sit comfortably doing the same old thing everyday if you want to stay a leg up on your competitors. This is good because it gives you goals and challenges you to do better. This is also for your benefit because people analyze something new to them different than something they have already seen before. If it is something new people will take longer looking at it, so make it worth while! This is a great way to attract new leads you weren’t able to capture before.
Time is of the essence, and what better way to start something new than in the new year! If you don’t know where to start, look at things you have done and ways you can make them better. After that, look at how things have changed in the past year and how you can apply things you are good at to different sources.