A wise person once said: “Don’t believe everything you hear”. There are several rumors going around about digital marketing and we are here to set the record straight. Here are some of the most common myths about digital marketing and consider them busted.
Myth # 1- Email Marketing Does Not Work
There has been much speculation about email marketing being a dead form of communication to customers, and that could not be more wrong. In 2012 ComScore report, fifty-seven percent of leads in B2B marketing came from email campaigns. According to the DMA, email holds the highest ROI of all marketing channels at $40.56 per every $1 spent. Email marketing is a great way to establish and develop deeper relationships with your customers while also reaching out to new leads.
Myth # 2- My Website Does Not Need an SEO Plan
When was the last time you scrolled to the 10th page on a search engine? How about the 5th page, or even the 3rd? Search engine rank matters and a page lower in the search engines could be losing you precious leads. Worst case scenario would be if your website was flagged after a Google Penguin or Panda update. Google can ban your website or send it to the black hole of search engine pages.
Myth # 3- I Do Not Need to Worry About Local Search
A recent study done by Microsoft showed that over 50 percent of mobile search behavior is local because people are ready to make a purchase. Chances are if someone is searching on a mobile device they are in the last steps of the buying process and want to find somewhere close to them to buy it.
Myth # 4- My Company Does Not Need to Be On Social Media Sites
We hear this all the time and cringe! Every company should be on social media. Having a page with just your information filled out and a picture is better than nothing, but having an active profile is best. Your followers and potential customers need to know that you are alive, interacting with them, and doing new things in your business. There are roughly one billion searches done on Facebook a day, and if your brand is not on there it is a missed opportunity for brand exposure and a potential lead.
Myth # 5- I Need A Huge Online Following to Be Successful
Several companies get caught up in the “bigger is better” attitude when it comes to followers online. Another common thing that happens is companies compare themselves to brands like Target and Coca-Cola and expect to have the same amount of followers even though it is not realistic. Whatever you do, do not cave in and buy followers. That is one of the worst things you can do because it hurts the reputation of your brand and fake people are not going to buy from you. The reasons listed above in myth # 4 are why fake followers will only hurt, not help you.