Here at COSO Media, we’re all about helping our clients and understanding their business to help them grow. To keep these relationships close, we want to help you get to know the people you’re in contact with. Check out the other posts in our Get to Know the Team Series to learn more about us!
My favorite hobby is… free diving.
I love… big cats.
I look up to… R. Stevie Moore.
Boy Bitten by Lizard speaks to me because… I choose to listen.
A funny and/or embarrassing memory of me is…. prank calling my co-worker’s dog.
I’m afraid of… drinking Sprite through a Twizzler.
My favorite movie is… Max Keeble’s Big Move.
My coworkers would describe me as… mental.
My guilty pleasure is… JavaScript.
Some activities on my bucket list are… eating ice cream in virtual reality, taking a picture of a mailman delivering his own mail, vetoing a bill.
My best friend… told me to use the word “best” lightly.
An accomplishment I’m proud of… was practicing pretty nice grammar.
This one time at my job… we built a Christmas music moderator named BICO.
[blank] is meaningful to me because… it’s the epitome of nothing.
My favorite book is…. Ryan, Ms. Fitch, and the Warzone.