With Facebook’s new launch of being able to use and search hashtags, it starts to make you wonder if the hashtag is being over-used? The social media world today has become accustom to searching through trends via hashtags. This is not a bad thing, unless you are one of the last social networks to include this feature.
After Facebook launched the new feature of the hashtag, people immediate started posting comments calling Facebook a copycat of Twitter, or saying there is not going to be much differentiation between social sites soon. Maybe they are right, why simply copy a feature instead of finding a way to make it better? This is especially important if you are one of the last social sites to adopt this feature.
Hashtags are an important feature to have on your social site, but can you do more with them than simply search trending information? Until the next best thing of hashtagging comes out, here are some tips to keep in mind when using them on social sites.
Public Posts
To increase your post visibility, make sure that the post you attached your hashtag to is public. If you hashtag a private post, only people that are within your network will be able to see it which will not increase your overall visibility.
Create Hashtags to Track Engagement
If you want to track user engagement with a certain contest or campaign, create a unique hashtag that way you can track your reach. By using a specific hashtag for a campaign you are doing, you can see how far your reach goes by tracking the hashtag trend on social sites.
Do not use a hashtag that has nothing to do with your content. It will make people mad and Google will think you are spamming to just get seen through a trending topic. Utilize your hashtags to increase your chances of people seeing your content, so chose wisely.