The time has come, Instagram now has a presence online! After being available on the iPhone for two years and being purchased by Facebook, users can now access Instagram online!
It comes to no shock that the profiles resemble the Facebook Timeline,but only it seems like the 3.0 version! The timeline is interactive and the pictures change. They are organized in reverse-chronological order down the page, and when you click on it the information about the image pops up.
Users will be able to comment, edit and follow right from the web now as well as on their mobile device! Instagram wants to keep image uploads from mobile devices, so you can not currently upload from the web. To see your profile, or a friends profile, type in instagram.com/ [username]. An example is if you wanted to view Nike’s live site type in : instagram.com/nike.
The privacy setting in your account will carry over to the web. For example, if your profile is public then anyone will be able to see your profile by visiting instagram.com. However, if it is set to private then your photos will be visible to instagram users that are logged-in and that are allowed to follow you.
Source: mashable, instagram