Sit down and get your pencils out, because class is in session! It is difficult to every call yourself a master of conversion and simply stop trying, because how people interact with your company will constantly be changing. However, a few things will always remain constant like utilizing clear relevant calls to action and limiting the amount of clicks it takes to navigate around your site. Those are all good and grand, but it isn’t enough. Here are a few additional things to keep in mind to help you reach your highest potential.
Build & Maintain Trust
A good majority of people are still weary when purchasing things online. This is why establishing trust with your customers is important so they feel confident with giving you their credit card information. A P.O. Box is usually not a good way to establish this, having an actual address at your bricks and mortar store is a good thing to post. A real phone number instead of a 1-800 number is also another contributing factor. If your website has a poor design and looks unprofessional, consumers will view your company the same way. Lastly, if you have a SSL certificate, showing the “VeriSign Secured” logo will speak volumes to the customer.
Have Search Alternatives
A lot of websites use product catalogs to filter-search technology that are relevant to requirements, yet is still limiting. A good example is if a customer was looking for a product and narrowed it down to prices between $20 and $30 they might miss a suitable product for them that was $31. This reduces conversion rates an lowers overall customer satisfaction once they realize what happened. Instead of eliminating the products, try using a display all results in order based on their requirement. This will allow users to still find what they are looking for, without omitting any of your products. Customers will appreciate this small change, improving overall customer satisfaction.
Use Targeted Banners
Banners are primarily used to direct people to generic product pages or a different site. Why not use this prime real estate on your website to your own advantage? Use banners to target specific products, genres, or brands to increase conversion rates. They should be located on key landing pages so the highest amount of people will see them.
Prioritize Product Data
It doesn’t matter what your website looks like– at the end of the day if product data is inconsistent or incomplete, many potential customers will leave your site. The weight of this is even greater for companies with complex products with complex features. You want to make sure that your website and the user experience are both strong and reliable foundations to build conversions off of.
Information is Power
As soon as someone hits the submit button, they are wondering when they will receive the product. Having an estimated delivery date when they are checking out is a good start. Emailing them when the product is in transit,and giving them a tracking number also helps to keep the consumer informed during every step of the way. Now I’m sure you’re wondering how tracking will improve your conversion rate. When customers are happy after a sale, they are much more likely to talk about you positively as well as buy again.