Every year on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, Small Businesses all over the US celebrate Small Business Saturday. On November 24, 2018, over 108 million consumers will shop online or dine at local independently-owned businesses on Small Business Saturday- equating to roughly 43% of Americans. So how can your business become a part of the commotion? We have a few steps to help you get there.
- Get Familiar with the History and Purpose.
In 2010, American Express founded Small Business Saturday to support local small businesses. Small businesses have an extensive impact on communities around the country. In fact, 29,312 new jobs were created by small businesses in Ohio in 2014 alone. As it catches on in neighborhoods everywhere, Small Business Saturday goes from a cause to a day of celebration- the celebration of small businesses and all they do for our communities.
- Do Your Research.
Have you heard of Small Business Saturday before? If not, the event may not be too popular in your area and it’s your opportunity to introduce it! You can find businesses currently taking advantage of Small Business Saturday here. Make sure Small Business Saturday makes sense for your business model and customers- as long as you are local, have less than 25 locations, and accept American Express cards, your business is eligible! Make sure your business is submitted to be on the map as well so new customers can find you.
- Download the Materials.
American Express has designed various materials for your business’ use. From social media graphics to posters and flyers, American Express has ensured you will be able to promote your business properly. The materials can be downloaded here.
- Order Your Free Signage.
Want to promote Small Business Saturday even more? American Express also offers a free signage kit which includes: a large poster, flag pendants, buttons, stickers, thank you cards, and canvas tote bags! All of this material is free and can be ordered on the American Express website here.
- Update Your Marketing and Online Presence.
As people find your business on the American Express map, click on your social graphics, and more, they are led to your website. Which begs the question… what kind of shape is your website in? Hire an outside marketing agency or take control yourself to better prepare your business for the inevitable web traffic.
- Decorate Your Social and Storefront.
Use the materials above to let consumers know you’re participating in Small Business Saturday and that you accept American Express cards. Posting to your social media and creating an event for any sales going on can create buzz around your business. Showing how excited your business is for Small Business Saturday can also raise the level of excitement for your customers.
- Show Up the Day of!
The worst move you could make is to promote Small Business Saturday and then not be excited the day of. Make sure you open on time, have excellent customer service, and keep your promotional material up. Also, passing out the materials like stickers, tote bags, and thank you cards.
Small Business Saturday is now an 8 year strong tradition, gaining more and more popularity every year, including a message from past President, Barack Obama. As more people discover the advantages of supporting local businesses, opportunities will grow for those in your community. Support Small Business Saturday on November 24th or encourage your customers to support you on the big day!