Small business marketing is difficult enough when it comes to building a website, posting to social media, or remembering to take photos at an event. This becomes even more difficult when you start realizing that you need to be producing content for your brand; visual, written, and everything in between. While pictures are easy enough to take, video can be very tricky. Videos are some of the most engaging posts on social media platforms and can be a compelling opening for your website. However, the time to film, edit, and finalize videos can be… extensive. Here are some simple evergreen ways to integrate video marketing into your business model.
Introduce Yourself Using Video
Creating an introduction video for your website or social media is a great way to start increasing your engagement. The best part of an introduction video is that you can create a simple animated one using a desktop video editing platform instead of having to film an actual video. The one below from Padmapper is a great example:
Another idea that is simple to produce is a video of testimonials. The most difficult part of a video like this will be finding some of your best customers who are okay with being filmed. Film a video like this in your space so potential customers can see it and become familiar with it. As long as the lighting is good and your space is visually pleasing, this will be easy. The most difficult parts would be helping your customers figure out what to say and editing together the various interviews.
While there are plenty of other possible videos to make, these two are examples of the most helpful but also simplest. Create more trust in your brand by regularly filming videos ad allowing your customers or clients to see into your world.